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Intelligent Power Modules (IPMs)
Intelligent Power Modules (IPMs) - AOS Products

AOS offer a variety of IPMs, with different semiconductors in different packages and different voltage and current classes. These IPMs are separated into Compact, Standard and Performance families. Part of the IPMs is divided into the CIPOS™ Nano, CIPOS ™ Micro, CIPOS™ Tiny, CIPOS ™ Mini and CIPOS™ Maxi families. These energy-efficient intelligent power module IGBTs integrate the latest power semiconductor and ICs technology.


AOS's advanced IGBTs, MOSFETs, next-generation Gate Driver ICs and state-of-the-art thermo-mechanical technology are used for the intelligent power modules. The modules improve system performance and energy efficiency by delivering increased power density, enhanced system ruggedness and reliability.

Do you know more about AOS's product uses, technical documents, and solutions related to Intelligent Power Modules (IPMs)? Then quickly get in touch with AOS Distributor - NANHUANG!

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